Highlands Ranch Aeration

Over-Seeding & Compost Topdressing

Over-Seeding & Compost Topdressing

RICHLAWN Organic Based Fertilizers

Lawn Over-Seeding with Compost Topdressing

The cost effective way to repair dead or damage areas of your lawn is to Over-seed & Compost Topdressing.  We recommend a spring cleanup and your lawn be mowed to the proper spring height.  Mowing height for Spring is generally the middle setting on your mower.  

Call 303-345-8363 for a Quick Easy Appointment.

*Offer good for Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Centennial, north areas of Parker.

Our Lawn Aeration will provide the aeration plug holes for the soil contact the grass seed needs to germinate.  The grass seed falls into the aeration holes allowing the seed to have the soil contact it needs to germinate, along with protection from hot spring days when the baby grass plant is growing into a mature grass plant.  Starting at $65.00 for up to 3,000 sq. ft.

Lawn Over-Seeding with Compost Topdressing

Over-seeding your lawn starts at $80.00 for up to 2,500 sq.ft. with each additional 1,000 sq.ft. $10.00.

Matching the type of lawn grass is very important to have a good looking lawn.

Grass Seed Types: Kentucky Bluegrass is the most common type of grass in Denver for sunny areas of your lawn.  99% of sod sold and installed in Denver is a Kentucky Bluegrass blend.

Fine Fescue grass blend is for heavy shade areas of your lawn.  When your lawn is a mix of sun and shade we use a mix of Bluegrass and Fine Fescue grasses.

** Water Saving Grasses called Dwarf Tall Fescue Grass is most common in the Eastern United States.  Dwarf Tall Fescue Grasses have wide grass blades, grows in bunches and has a rougher appearance compared to Kentucky Bluegrass.  This type of grass uses 50% less water than Kentucky Bluegrass, but has a rougher feel and look.

Do Not Use: Quick fill or repair type grass products on your Kentucky Bluegrass lawn.  Fine Fescue grasses are always used in these products because they germinate in 5-7 days compared to Kentucky Bluegrass 14-21 days.  Fine Fescue grasses will not match your Kentucky Bluegrass lawn.  You will notice the repair spots of Fine Fescue grass forever.  Always check the back of the package to see the type of grass seeds in the product.

OVER-SEEDING WATERING SET-UP: To start Kentucky Bluegrass seed you must keep bare soil moist, especially between 12 noon to 6pm.  We recommend watering for 2 to 10 minutes (depending on sprinkler heads) 4 times a day at 12 noon, 2pm, 4pm, and 6pm.  If you have pop-up spray heads you would water 2 to 6 minutes depending on spacing and nozzles.   Large area rotary heads you must water 4 to 10 minutes again depending on spacing and nozzles.  You can not allow the soil dry out during the day.  Adjust as needed to keep the soil moist during the day and mow existing grass at high setting to give new seed some protective shade.

Organic based Rich-Lawn Fertilizing is a must to feed your lawn the organic nutrients it needs to germinate the grass seed and green up your lawn.  Starting at $60.00 for up to 5,000.

REVIVE is also recommended to help your existing grass plants send off more roots to make your lawn stronger against the hot summer days to come.  Starting at $60.00 for up to 5,000.

Most important is Compost Top Dressing with a minimal 1/2” layer of Rich-Lawn’s bagged EKO Compost or for large lawn areas a high quality bulk compost can be delivered and spread.  Starting with 5 bags of EKO Compost covering 50 sq.ft. for $60.00, each additional bag of EKO Compost is $20.00 / bag spread, covering 10 sq.ft. (size 2 feet wide X 5 feet long)   Spreading EKO Compost over many small spots is double at $24.00 / bag, spread.

Bulk A-1 Organic’s Compost Top Dressing for large areas or entire lawn, just measure the area width and length with a tape measure and call us for a quote.

Example Estimate for up to 3,000 square foot lawn

Based Fertilizing
REVIE Soil Treatment
5 Bags of EKO Compost Top Dressing
(max 50 square feet, 5’ X 10’)

Example Estimate for up to 5,000 square foot lawn

Over-Seeding & 10 bags of Compost:
Best Lawn Aeration
Organic Based Fertilizing
REVIE Soil Treatment
10 Bags of EKO Compost Top Dressing.  (max 100 square feet, 10’ X 10’)

Note: Do Not Use a Crabgrass Control / Preventer Product in April when over-seeding your lawn.  If you have applied a crabgrass product you must wait till mid-May for the crabgrass  killer product to break down before over-seeding.  All crabgrass preventer products kill all seeds, including grass seed.

Free printable instruction sheet to solve lawn fungus problems naturally.


Our Services


Lawn Aeration


Organic Lawn Fertilizing


Revive Organic Soil Treatment


Sprinkler Repair


Sprinkler Blow-Out




Lawn Repair


Power Rake


Compost Topdressing


Mowing and Watering Tips